Two Shaldag MK V Loaded to Cargo Vessel for Delivery to the Philippines

22 Agustus 2022

Two Shaldaq MK V for PN (photos : Israel Shipyards)

The Philippine Navy's two Shaldag MKV Fast Interdiction Attack Boats being prep for their delivery and loaded to cargo vessels, apparently, the photo was taken a week ago. 

The two Shaldag Fast Attack Boat, namely BRP Nestor Acero (PBC-901) and BRP Lolinato To-Ong (PBC-902) are the first of the nine Shaldag MKV to be delivered to the Philippine Navy. The two Shaldag MKV vessels were launched last June 28, 2022, and had been undergoing sea trials for weeks already.

The cargo vessel carrying the Shaldag attack boats is expected to arrive this September, this will entirely depend as well on the sea conditions on its journey to the Philippines.

Although only 4 of the boats will be readily armed with the Spike  NLOS Missile System while the other units will have provisions to be installed with the Spike NLOS MLS in the future.

The Acero Class will complement the other Fast Attack Boat Units of the Philippine Navy, namely the MPAC ( Multi-Purpose Attack Craft) and the Andrada Class. But the Shaldag's will have a much heavier hitting power due to its Spike Nlos Missile which has a range of at least 30+Kilometers.

See full article Bons Cue PH

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