A Chinese destroyer pulls into Pearl Harbor, Hawaii in 2006. US Navy Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Ben A. Gonzales
Robert Farley, Insider/19fortyfive: China's navy buildup really is remarkable, but it may create a new set of headaches for Beijing
* The rise of China's navy has truly been remarkable by any benchmark anyone could reasonably set.
* It is now numerically the world's largest fleet, and while the US Navy outweighs it, US ships are older.
* Maintaining those ships will be expensive, and history shows that building big fleets doesn't always pay off.
The rise of China's navy (PLAN) has truly been remarkable by any benchmark anyone could reasonably set. Since the dawn of ironclad navies, the world has seen at least four major, massive naval expansions from negligible foundations.
In the years before World War I, both the US Navy and the Imperial German Navy expanded from nearly negligible foundations to build world-challenging fleets. At the end of World War II, the Soviet Navy experienced a similar rapid expansion, rising to meet Moscow's aspirations to global power.
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WNU Editor: The Chinese are committed to growing and maintaining a large fleet, and I expect them to continue with this policy for the next decade.