Mini-Subs For Russian Special Forces

Defense One: Russia’s Special Operators Are Getting Futuristic Mini-Subs

Originally designed for oil exploration, the six bathyspheres are to arrive by 2022.

The next time Vladimir Putin decides to put “little green men” in a country illegally, Spetsnaz troops might arrive in a futuristic deep-diving submarine, according to Russian media outlet Tass.

Originally commissioned by Gazprom for inspecting and working on underwater pipelines, the spherical submersibles — more properly called bathyscaphes — feature super-strong acrylic windows in a titanium frame. They can be transported to their missions aboard civilian or military ships, carry three troops to a depth of 2.5 kilometers, and run for a whole day on a single charge, Tass said.

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WNU Editor: Delivery date is in 2022.

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