A Review Of The Main Stream Media's Coverage Of The BuzzFeed Story That Claims President Trump Told His Lawyer To Lie To Congress

Gabrien: Montage: Media Was Already Calling for Trump Impeachment Following Disputed BuzzFeed Report

Mere moments after BuzzFeed published a report — elements of which are now being called “false” by Special Council Robert Mueller’s office — the media had already begun invoking Trump’s imminent impeachment.

CBS News’s Paula Reid said: "If this 'BuzzFeed' news report is true, that the special counsel has evidence beyond just Michael Cohen's testimony, that the president directed his former personal attorney to lie to Congress, then we are likely on our way to possible impeachment proceedings. Because this, this is black and white.”

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Update: CNN And MSNBC Repeatedly Floated Impeachment Over Disputed BuzzFeed Report (Daily Caller)

WNU Editor: Yup .... CNN Guest: BuzzFeed ‘Got Their Brains Kicked In’ By Mueller’s Team (Daily Caller). This is how a news organization commits corporate suicide, and doubly so for the major main stream news media organizations who made the decision to rebroadcast this lie for the entire day. Instapundit has a good summary on this breaking news story (link here).

On a side note. I am pleased that the Mueller Counsel made the decision to make this statement tonight. It must have been very difficult for them to do it, but I understand why they did it. We learned in the past 24 hours how these type of false stories can seriously damage the Presidency and the ability of a President to do his job. The vitriol that was on every news network, the coverage in newspapers like the New York Times, Washington Post, the call among many in Congress for an investigation and to begin impeachment hearings, and in social media .... talk about a firestorm of Trump hatred and anger. And it does not stop there. The international coverage was even worse, where there was open speculation that this was the end of the Trump Presidency. And all of this was based on one news story that was not true. Bottom line. This is a black day for the press, and one that many people are not going to forget.

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