Bab as in Bab al-Mandeb! Yet again that narrow water-way a critical choke point an important factor in world geopolitical machinations of the highest order.
From the latest edition of the DEBKAfile news letter type of coverage you will find no where else.
1. "Iran's Saviz 'cargo' ship orchestrated Red Sea attack on two Saudi oil tankers"
28 July.
"The attack on two Saudi supertankers on the Red Sea on Wednesday, July 25, was orchestrated by the Iranian Saviz, a weapons-carrying spy ship . . . It is packed with advanced surveillance gear for tracking shipping on the Red Sea. Before the attack, signals from the Saviz were intercepted informing the Houthis' shore base when the tanker would be passing within missile range."
"Although the damage minimal, the Saudis decided not to take any chances and announced the suspension of oil shipping through the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandeb until conditions were secure. Oil prices shot up by one percent on the world markets."
2. "Netanyahu: If Iran tries to block Bab al-Mandeb, it will face a coalition with Israel in full military array"
1 August.
"Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu Wednesday, Aug. 1, issued a warning in a speech to graduates of the Navy's Captains' course in Haifa: 'Early this week we saw an Iranian proxy [Houthi] trying to interfere with shipping sailing through the Straits of Bab al-Mandeb. I am convinced that an international coalition resolved to prevent this happening awaits Iran. And this coalition will include the State of Israel with all its full military array.' He [Benjamin] was talking about a lineup of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt and Israel, following the Yemeni Houthi missile attack on two Saudi super tankers in the Red Sea."
"And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet." - - Matthew 24:6.