Task & Purpose/Business Insider: 4 US Soldiers Were Reportedly ‘Left Behind’ Amid Deadly Niger Ambush
Four U.S. soldiers were reportedly left behind as the brunt of their Special Forces team was evacuated after being ambushed by ISIS-affiliated militants in Niger, The New York Times reported on Oct. 26.
About two hours after the U.S. troops called in for additional support, seven of the 11 soldiers were reportedly evacuated by French helicopters, leaving four U.S. soldiers — three of them Green Berets — behind, reports the Times. U.S. officials in the report suggested that other U.S. and coalition assets were nearby when the helicopters took off.
A second Special Forces team reportedly later made its way into the ambush site and located the bodies of Staff Sgt. Bryan Black, Staff Sgt. Jeremiah Johnson and Staff Sgt. Dustin Wright. Sgt. La David Johnson’s body was eventually recovered by Nigerien forces, two days later, nearly a mile away from the scene of the ambush, officials said to CNN.
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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- October 27, 2017
AfriCom Two-Star Named to Lead Niger Ambush Investigation -- Military.com
Second Special Operations team was on ground near Niger ambush -- Fox News
French helicopters strike militants near Niger ambush site -- Military Times
US troops conducted 26 missions in Niger over the last six months -- Military Times/AP
US pressing Niger to allow armed drones: report -- The Hill
Armed Services Dem: Pentagon not forthcoming about Niger attack -- The Hill
McCain pleased at 'progress' with Pentagon after Niger briefing -- The Hill
China's J-20 fifth-gen fighter moves into series production -- Janes 360
Putin test-fires ballistic missiles in strategic nuclear force command and control drills -- TASS
Putin Launches 4 Ballistic Missiles in Strategic Nuclear Forces Drill (VIDEO) -- Sputnik
Russia launches ballistic missiles from submarines, spaceport during strategic drills -- TASS
Top NATO general says he hasn't seen evidence of Russia arming Taliban -- The Hill
NATO chief says allies concerned about Russian phone jamming -- C4ISRNet
BAE cuts could light a fire under Britain’s combat air strategy -- Defense News
Afghan Air Force to Get More A-29 Super Tucanos -- DoD Buzz
US general: Iraqi tensions divert resources from ISIS fight -- Military Times/AP
Mattis warns of ‘catastrophe’ during visit to DMZ -- The Hill
Mattis Visits Seoul for Defense Talks as Tensions Climb -- US News and World report/Reuters
As Mattis Peers Into North Korea, He Gets Warning on Artillery -- US News and World Report/Reuters
Pentagon: Aircraft carriers heading to Korean Peninsula not in response to threats -- The Hill
Air Force report finds faulty engine assembly caused F-16 crash in April -- Air Force Times
Marines Need Speed From Ship To Shore -- Breaking Defense
Marines Want a Truck-Mounted Rocket-Launcher that Fits in an Osprey -- Defense tech
The Army Is Racing To Field A New Light Tank To Infantry Brigades As Soon As Possible -- Task & Purpose
Army R&D Spending Geared Toward a ‘Big War’ -- National Defense
Air Force Adds More Than $40 Million to SpaceX Engine Contract -- Space.com
Serious head and hand wounds described by Bergdahl searchers -- Military Times/AP
Pentagon begins pull back of unneeded assets from Puerto Rico -- The Hill
Survey: 58 percent of IAVA members have lost a veteran to suicide -- Military.com
The US Military Is Unprepared For The Future Of War. Here’s How To Repair And Rebuild It -- Mackenzie Eaglen, Task & Purpose/The National Interest
Is 355 Ships by 2050 Realistic? Maybe Not, Navy Undersecretary Says -- DoD Buzz