This is coolbert:

"When weak appear strong and when strong appear weak!"

From the English Sun. Kim of North Korea continues his antics.

"UN-LY FOOLS AND HORSES North Korean troops were carrying FAKE guns during military parade, claims US expert – as Kim Jong-un channels his inner Del Boy on the world stage"

"Del Boy (Noun) - - a male confidence trickster."

"Commandos or caricatures?"

"Commandoes [sic] march across the Kim Il Sung Square during a military parade on Saturday, April 15, 2017, in Pyongyang, North Korea to celebrate the 105th birth anniversary of Kim Il Sung"

Image purportedly of North Korean special operations troops goose-stepping during a parade. I had thought those were some sort of grenade launcher of unknown type attached to the snub-nosed folding-stock AK. But NO that is a helical magazine of dubious performance. The wearing of the American-style helmet with night-vision goggles, gloves and sunglasses also seems to mimic in a surprising way the current battle dress of American troops. Thanks for the image courtesy: (AP Photo/Wong Maye-E).

"Some of the most memorable images to emerge from North Korea’s dramatic parade featured the special operations 'commandos' who were carrying what appeared to be AK-47’s with grenade-launching capabilities. It turns out that what many people believed to be grenade launchers are actually what's known as 'helical' magazines, a piece of equipment that organizes rounds in a spiral shape to maximize capacity and that is notorious for jamming"




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