Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 3, 2017

Andrew MacLeod, The Independent: The Catalan crisis could cause the collapse of Spain

Fifteen years ago, I was best man at my good friend Marc’s wedding in the rural areas of Catalonia, and I came to understand Catalonian nationalism firsthand

Just in my lifetime, Spain has been ruled by a military dictator, restored a monarchy, restored democracy, experienced a military coup, had a terrorist separatist organisation kill innocent civilians, joined the EU, joined the euro, just escaped a near financial collapse, and had a king abdicate.

Read with this historic context, Spain is in a much more perilous shape than you may think. And with this past weekend’s Catalonian referendum, Spain became just a little more fragile. It may not be a basket case of a country, but nor is it an island of stability.

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 3, 2017

What Spain Owes Catalonia, and Vice Versa -- Bloomberg editorial

How important is Catalonia to Spain? -- Jon Henley, The Guardian

Spain and Iraq Are Failing Their Secessionists -- Noah Feldman, Bloomberg

Kurds’ aims in Syria far more likely to succeed than in Iraq -- Sami Moubayed, Asia Times

The Kurdish People Lost a Revolutionary and a Statesman -- Eli Lake, Bloomberg

Why Israel supports an independent Iraqi Kurdistan -- Ian Lee, CNN

2019 Could Be a Very Bad Year for Ukraine -- Nikolas K. Gvosdev, National Interest

27 years after unification, many Germans still feel divided -- KIRSTEN GRIESHABER, AP

The Chinese World Order -- Andrew J. Nathan, New York Review Of Books

Trump dismissal of U.S.-North Korea talks has some fearful of what comes next -- Jesse Johnson, Japan Times

4 Ways out of the Korean Crisis -- Lyle J. Goldstein, National Interest

Vietnam grapples with a wild and wooly web -- David Hutt, Asia Times

Will 'Ambazonia' become Africa’s newest country? -- Chrispin Mwakideu, DW

'Go Kabila go': new effort to oust DR Congo president despite fear of violence -- Jason Burke, The Guardian

Why Did the Islamic State Claim the Las Vegas Shooting? -- Graeme Wood, The Atlantic

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