Canada Blames The U.S. For A Surge In Migrants At Its Borders

People hold up signs in support of asylum seekers during a rally outside the Olympic Stadium in Montreal Sunday. The stadium is now being used as a temporary shelter for some of the hundreds of asylum claimants pouring across the New York-Quebec border every day. | GRAHAM HUGHES / THE CANADIAN PRESS

CBC: Keep a 'wary eye' on U.S. travel visas, Goodale tells American counterpart

Ralph Goodale says some migrants are obtaining U.S. travel visas for the sole purpose of coming to Canada.

Canada's Public Safety Minister has told his American counter part to keep a "wary eye" on the travel visas it issues to the United States.

In an interview Sunday with CBC News, Goodale said Canadian officials have identified trends where documents issued from certain U.S. embassies and consulates are being misused.

"We have asked them to go back upstream and examine the pattern of these travel documents being issued and how come the people to whom they were issued appear to have had no intention of staying in the United States, but were simply using the documents as vehicles to get into the United States and then make a bee-line for the Canadian border," Goodale explained.

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WNU Editor: For those who may not know .... I live in Montreal, Quebec. This story has building up since the beginning of the year .... Canada Is Becoming A Destination Of Choice For Migrants (February 11, 2017) .... and when Prime Minister Trudeau openly invited people to migrate to Canada (see link here), what did he really expect? And even thought the majority of Canadians want these illegal border crossers deported .... Half Of Canadians Want Illegal Border Crossers Deported (March 20, 2017) .... contrary to what the government and much of what the media is saying, these asylum requests are being rubber stamped .... Canada granting asylum to U.S. border crossers at higher rates: data (Reuters). So why blame the U.S.? The Canadian government's immigration policy is strongly opposed in the french province of Quebec that is also a political stronghold for Justin Trudeau's political party, but the Canadian government wants this policy to be implemented. So blame the U.S. for this migrant surge .... even though it is their policies that are encouraging it.

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