Two F-35 Lightning II’s bank after receiving fuel over the Midwest Sept. 19, 2019. U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Ben Mota.
Air Force Magazine: USAF to Cut F-35 Buy in Future Years Defense Plan
The Air Force will propose about a 10 percent cut in its planned F-35 purchases in the upcoming future years defense plan, citing sustainment costs for the jet well above what was expected, and because the service prefers to wait for the more advanced Block 4 model. Budget talking points obtained by Air Force Magazine appear to show USAF giving the F-35 program an ultimatum: Get costs under control over the next six to eight years or the overall buy will be sharply reduced.
According to the talking points, which were prepared for Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown., Jr., the Air Force plans to request 48 F-35s in Fiscal year 2022, but only 43 aircraft a year from fiscal 2023-2026. The effect over the five years would be to buy 220 jets versus 240 under the previous plan.
Whether Brown has signed off on the new plan is unclear. “The information outlined in the talking points regarding future Air Force fighter force structure is pre-decisional,” said Brig Gen Patrick Ryder, the Air Force public affairs chief, who declined further comment about pending budget or resourcing decisions.
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WNU Editor: This push to cut f-35 purchases has been accelerating since last year .... Senior Trump Air Force official suggested dramatically slashing F-35 jet numbers (CNN).