U.S. Congress 2020 Elections Results

Washington Examiner: Republicans won all 27 House races listed as 'toss-ups' — and then some

Republicans won all 27 House races the Cook Political Report rated as “toss-ups” in its 2020 election analysis, in addition to picking up seven of the 36 seats the outlet rated as “likely Democrat" or "lean Democrat.” 

“The House count stands at 221D-209R, and here are my information ratings of the five outstanding races following today’s developments,” Cook Political Report editor Dave Wasserman said on Twitter. “#CA21 - Likely R, #CA25 - Lean R, #IA02 - Lean R (recount), #NJ07 - Likely D, #NY22 - Toss Up.” 

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WNU Editor: The final outcome will most likely be 222 Democrats vs 213 Republicans. For latest results go here .... Reuters Election Results

So much for all the predictions before the election of a blue wave/tsunami. This is not even a blue beach-head.

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