The US Intelligence And National Security Community Are Getting More Nervous Over President Trump


A series of sackings and appointments - with rumours of more to come - has created a sense of deep uncertainty around the US intelligence and national security community. 

While some outside that world have raised fears that this is part of an attempt by the president to hold on to power, many on the inside see it more as driven by a desire for personal revenge and the latest stage of a conflict that has done much to define Donald Trump's presidency. 

But there remain fears that the uncertainty of a divisive transition could hold real dangers. 

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WNU Editor: I think this has nothing to do with revenge. I think President Trump's actions are more of a person who wants to do the right thing before he leaves. Declassifying the US intelligence community's assessment on Russian interference of the 2016 US presidential election will be a good start. I am willing to bet that what we will learn is that the evidence that was used to make that assessment were based more on Director of National Intelligence Clapper and CIA Director Brennan's opinions on what Russia did rather than any evidence that the intel community may have found. And as for the rest. The withdrawal of US military forces out of Iraq and Afghanistan is what the President ran on in 2016, and it would be fitting that he fulfilled that promise (or most of it) before he leaves. And if the US intelligence community and the Pentagon disagrees .... I say too bad. They must then make the case to the Biden administration on why this should be reversed.

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