The Kremlin Is Getting Ready For A Biden Presidency

The election of Joe Biden represents a return to a familiar status quo ante in U.S.-Russia relations: they will be largely unproductive but have an aura of reassuring familiarity.Photograph from Kommersant Photo Agency / Shutterstock 

Four years ago, dozens of deputies in Russia’s parliament greeted the news of Donald Trump’s surprise victory over Hillary Clinton with a round of applause. A few popped a bottle of champagne together. The head of RT, the state-funded television network, said she was so happy that she felt like driving around Moscow with an American flag in the window of her car. Russia’s political class felt pleased with the result and hopeful that the new American President would prove conciliatory, if not downright advantageous, to Russia’s interests. 

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WNU Editor: Yes. the Kremlin is getting ready for a Biden Presidency. And there is also zero expectation in Moscow that the US - Russian relationship will improve. As to what do I expect between Putin and Biden. There was no personal connection between Putin and Biden in the past, and there will be no personal connection between them now.

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