Are Israel And The US Preparing To Attack Iran?

AF, USAF hold joint F-35 drill in southern Israel (photo credit: IAF) 

Yaakov Katz, Jerusalem Post: Are Israel and the US planning to attack Iran? 

An Israeli strike against Iran is extremely complicated and has always been viewed in the IDF as a last resort. In 2008, after the election that brought Barack Obama to power, in Israel there were some officials who were confident that President George W. Bush would not leave office with Iran’s nuclear facilities still standing. 

They were wrong. Iran’s nuclear facilities are not only still standing; they have grown in quality and quantity. This is important to keep in mind amid speculation - once again during a presidential lame duck period – that in his last few weeks in office, Donald Trump will either order US military action against Iran or give Israel a green light as well as some assistance to do it on its own. 

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WNU Editor: Not going to happen .... Notion of Iran Military Strike Is 'Garbage,' Says U.S. Envoy Abrams (Bloomberg).

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