Why Is The U.S. Military Building So Many New Weapons?


Kris Osborn, National Interest: Why is the U.S. Military Building So Many New Weapons? (Like Smaller Nukes)

It is all about matching and deterring Russia and China.

The Pentagon is celebrating multiple accomplishments towards the implementation of the 2018 National Defense Strategy. These include progress towards having hypersonic weapons by 2023, the launch of U.S. Space Command and the largest proposed research and development budget in history. Furthermore, the military has created of a first-of-its-kind low-yield, submarine-launched ballistic missile warhead. All of these milestones are cited in a recent Pentagon report.

These are all quite significant, yet the existence of a low-yield nuclear weapon and the anticipated arrival of U.S. hypersonic weapons are of particular tactical and strategic relevance. This is because, in part, they are technical arenas in which both Russian and China are extremely advanced compared to America.

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WNU Editor: Yup. Its all about matching and deterring Russia and China.

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