Joint Chiefs Chairman General Milley Discussed Resigning Over His Presence With President Trump At The Firebombed St. John's Church

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley considered resigning amid criticism for his participation in President Trump's walk to St. John's church - he's seen above in his military fatigues behind the president

Daily Mail: Chairman of joint chiefs discussed resigning in wake of being part of infamous Donald Trump photo op which he apologized for being at

* Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley considered resigning amid criticism for his participation in Trump walk to St. John's church
* Millary was among top officials who accompanied Trump for a photo-op
* He was wearing his combat fatigues and was seen in photographed and live TV coverage of the June 1 walk
* The decision to use police and military force to clear Lafayette Square of protesters minutes before caused an uproar
* Comes after a series of former top military officials including Gen. George Mattis blasted the photo-op and warned against politicizing the military
* Also comes a day after Trump said he would refuse any effort to rename U.S. military bases named after confederate generals

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley considered resigning amid criticism for his participation in President Donald Trump's now infamous photo-op at St. John's Episcopal Church.

Milley, the nation's highest ranked military officer, apologized Thursday for his decision to accompany Trump on the president's walk from the White House, across Lafayette Square - which law enforcement officials used chemical agents and rubber bullets to clear of protesters - to the church, where Trump brandished a bible for the cameras.

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Update: Joint Chiefs Chairman Milley discussed resigning over role in Trump's church photo op -- NBC

WNU Editor: As of this writing Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley has not denied these reports. For a man in his position, you do not talk about resigning, you resign.

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