Black Lives Matter Protesters Vandalize Abraham Lincoln Statue In London


Zero Hedge: Not The Onion: BLM Protesters Vandalize Abraham Lincoln Statue In London

Days ago we noted the absurdity of Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters defacing of all things Mahatma Gandhi's statue outside the Indian Embassy in Washington D.C., which led to an apology by the US ambassador to India Ken Juster who condemned the "awful violence and vandalism" against ironically enough a historical icon of peaceful, non-violent resistance.

Well, the mob of the super-woke (and apparently historically illiterate) has struck again - this time in Parliament Square, London, where a large statue of Abraham Lincoln was subject to vandalism amid weekend George Floyd inspired protests.

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WNU Editor: This observation is sadly correct .... So now we're full circle: the very man whose legacy is that he freed the slaves in America apparently isn't ideologically "pure" enough for 2020 (Zero Hedge).

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