Never knew such a thing even existed. USMA [United States Military Academy] West Point gold depository.
"A rare look inside the West Point Mint's massive gold vaults and coin operations"
"About an hour and a half's drive north from New York City lies a treasure -- the gold kind. But it's not one that you can go and find. In fact, you can't get anywhere near it. Because this treasure belongs to the United States Treasury. Nearly a quarter of the U.S. government's gold sits beneath a windowless building on the campus at West Point . . . approximately 54 million ounces here that we store, which is about 22% of the nation's gold"
That bulk of the USA gold supply stored at the depository, Ft. Knox, Kentucky. In the case of war or national emergency military troops to include the cadet corps USMA guarding the national treasury precious metal a valuable commodity and resource?
That depository too a mint. New quarters [?] as issued having the "W" mark signifying West Point. George Washington himself having chosen the location for West Point I am sure would be immensely proud.