"A good licking"!!
"Royal Mail ripped for D-Day stamp depicting the wrong event"
The Royal Mail got a good licking for planning to release a stamp marking the 75th anniversary of D-Day by using an image of US forces landing about 8,500 miles from Normandy Beach, according to a report.
The stamp in question. We all make mistakes from time to time. Some more permanent than others. NOT Normandy. NOT D-Day. Close does not count either in this case?
Captioned “Allied soldiers and medics wade ashore,” the stamp was meant to depict the Normandy landings on June 6, 1944, in France — but was actually taken in Dutch New Guinea in what is modern-day Indonesia
See also this image from the Democratic national convention of 2004. A tribute to the American military and American veterans with Russian naval warships as shown inadvertently. Personally I have often thought the incorporation of Russian vessels rather than American was some sort of sick insider joke. I do have my doubts.