A CCTV news program offered a glimpse of what is believed to be a prototype of the H-20 bomber. Photo: CCTV screen grab
Sebastien Roblin, National Interest: Is China Really Building Two Stealth Bombers?
Could it be true?
In January 2018, two sentences in an annual report by the DIA on Chinese military power sent a minor shockwave rippling across the defense-related internet:
“The PLAAF is developing new medium- and long-range stealth bombers to strike regional and global targets. Stealth technology continues to play a key role in the development of these new bombers, which probably will reach initial operational capability no sooner than 2025.”
Bombers, plural . In a separate chart, an un-designated next-generation “Tactical Bomber” is listed, denoted as being equipped with a high-resolution Active Electronically Scanned Array radar, precision-guided bombs and long-range air-to-air missiles.
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WNU Editor: The answer is maybe .... China Is Developing Two Stealth Bombers (January 18, 2019).