
This is coolbert:

Here with the pronouncements of Major General  [res.] Gershon Hacohen the Israeli perspective the Syrian situation and especially vis-a-vis what is perceived as the Iranian threat. Thanks to the Sheldon Adelson Internet web site Israel Hayom.

When this man speaks you have to listen! Indeed! Gershon is a very interesting person.

"Let this be the decisive campaign"

"The military campaign Israel is waging in Syria escalated this week. The Russian response to recent events, a public demand that Israel cease its attacks in Syria, presents a watershed moment for Israel. Right now, the Israeli leadership seems to think that this moment will pass and it can stick to its strategy. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made a series of announcements that Israel, under his leadership, is indeed determined to keep fighting."

Read the whole thing. With special emphasis on the strategic "three goals" of the Israeli.

Again, the Syrian Civil War now a war more of foreign interventionists versus foreign interventionists. Two of those interventionists confirmed nuclear powers!! I am assuming Israel a confirmed nuclear power.

None of this is good, foreboding even! Escalation in the proverbial heartbeat a possibility. For all that will mean.


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