French President Macron's Tough Stance Against The 'Yellow Vests Protest' Is Backfiring

Reuters: France's Macron reeling as tough stance against 'yellow vests' backfires

PARIS (Reuters) - Emmanuel Macron intended to start the new year on the offensive against the ‘yellow vest’ protesters. Instead, the French president is reeling from more violent street demonstrations.

What began as a grassroots rebellion against diesel taxes and the high cost of living has morphed into something more perilous for Macron - an assault on his presidency and French institutions.

The anti-government protesters on Saturday used a forklift truck to force their way into a government ministry compound, torched cars near the Champs Elysees and in one violent skirmish on a bridge over the Seine punched and kicked riot police officers to the ground.

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WNU Editor: I have some friends in France, and they all told me the same thing yesterday. All that the French government has done is cancel the rise in gas/diesel prices temporarily (for 6 months), and given benefits to those who are dependent on government for assistance. For the middle class .... who are the driving force behind these protests .... nothing but derision and criticisms. The problem that I see for France is that President Macron has 5 more years in his mandate, and he has no interest to compromise or accommodate the protest movement. This is an easy prediction .... these protests are going to continue, and some of them are going to be very violent.

More News On The Unrest In France

Macron denounces "extreme violence" after 'yellow vests' break into ministry courtyard -- Euronews
Macron condemns ‘extreme violence’ as French protests continue -- Financial Times
An estimated 50,000 joined France's first yellow protest of 2019 against Macron -- AP
French women reclaim 'yellow vest' protests with peaceful demo -- AFP
Former champion French boxer is caught on camera punching riot police as Yellow Vest activists clash with officers, graffiti walls and burn cars on eighth weekend of violent demonstrations in Paris -- Daily Mail
France's yellow vest protests enter 8th week -- DW
French Gilets Jaunes: Ministry broken into amid fresh protests -- BBC
France: 'Yellow vest' protesters storm ministry in Paris -- Al Jazeera
France's Macron Gambles on National Debate to Restore Calm -- Bloomberg
A timeline of France's 'yellow vest' protests -- DW

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