The Guardian: DRC election results postponed as officials say ‘remain patient’
Opposition members say delay could be part of scheme by government to rig election
Election results in the Democratic Republic of the Congo have been postponed again and officials said they did not know when they would be ready.
The country’s electoral commission (Ceni) said on Sunday that tally sheets were trickling in slowly and so it would not be possible to release the results as scheduled. Corneille Nangaa, the head of Ceni, said: “We ask the nation to remain patient for the time it will take to consolidate all our data.”
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More News On The DR Congo Election Results Being Delayed
DR Congo result delay: Voters 'must be patient' -- BBC
Congo delays announcing results of presidential election -- AP
Congo election results delayed past Sunday deadline -- Reuters
Tense wait for election results in volatile DR Congo -- AFP
Congo election results delayed as US deploys troops to Africa -- DW
DR Congo on edge as presidential election results delayed -- Al Jazeera