Giving a boost to the “Make in India” initiative, the Indian Air Force will be inducting the second AEW&C also known as DRDO Netra next month. The event will take place at Bhatinda and Defense Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will be present at the event.
This will be the second Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) aircraft in the IAF arsenal. The first was inducted just last year during an event held at Yelhanka on February 14.
The AEW&C system is based on Embraer aircraft which was imported from Brazil. DRDO has done lots if modification like structural changes to install the mounted radar and mid-air refueling capabilities which were tested last year.
The system is capable of detecting, identifying and classifying threats present in the area under its surveillance and can send the real-time update to other aircraft as well as ground units.