Armed servicemen stand near Russian army vehicles outside a Ukrainian border guard post in the Crimean town of Balaclava March 1, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Baz Ratner
Pavel Polityuk and Anton Zverev, Reuters: Why Ukrainian forces gave up Crimea without a fight - and NATO is alert
KIEV/SEVASTOPOL, Crimea (Reuters) - The career of Sergei Yeliseyev helps to explain why Ukraine's armed forces gave up Crimea almost without a fight - and why NATO now says it is alert to Russian attempts to undermine military loyalty in its eastern European members.
His rise to become number two in the Ukrainian navy long before Russia seized Crimea illustrates the divided loyalties that some personnel in countries that once belonged to the Soviet Union might still face.
Yeliseyev's roots were in Russia but he ended up serving Ukraine, a different ex-Soviet republic, only to defect when put to the test. NATO military planners now believe Moscow regards people with similarly ambiguous personal links as potentially valuable, should a new confrontation break out with the West.
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WNU Editor: There were many reasons why Ukraine's military forces gave up Crimea without a fight .... having a senior officer more loyal to Russia was the least of them. Before this mess started I have been to Crimea many times .... I love the wine that they make there, and as a tourist spot during summer one of the best places to be. The first thing that you will notice right away is that the majority of the population is ethnically and culturally Russian .... and while I was not there when the Ukraine provisional government took over after the revolution and started to hint that they would pass laws that would restrict the use of the Russian language .... I did not have to be there to know what the reaction among most Crimeans would be. As for a Ukrainian soldier based in Crimea during this time .... I could only imagine how he must have felt being there. He is facing a hostile population. A provisional government has taken over the government in Kiev at the barrel of a gun. The country's military forces are divided along ethnic and cultural lines .... as well as along political lines (those who are loyal to the new regime, and those are loyal to the previous one). The motivation to fight .... especially when you are faced with Russian special ops and a local population that supports them .... would have been difficult in any circumstance. As for NATO now being alert that there may be a fifth column that supports Russia among Baltic NATO member states .... what surprises me is not that .... the Russian populations in these countries are huge .... but how these governments are responding to these Russian enclaves. Purging Russians from official government positions and restricting the use of the Russian language may satisfy the nationalist tendencies of these governments .... but pursuing an official policy of discrimination rarely brings about peace, and it is a guarantee that relations with Russia will only get worse.