The Identities Of 20 ISIS Foreign Female Fighters Captured In Mosul Are Being Investigated

The girl arrested by Iraqi forces, who it is believed could be missing Linda Wenzel. Photograph: Facebook

DW: German authorities probe identities of women found in Mosul tunnel

German authorities are trying to find out if a 16-year-old who converted to Islam and disappeared from her home near Dresden last year is one of 20 women found in a tunnel in Iraq. She had been under investigation.

Five German women being held by security forces in Iraq are reportedly part of a group of 20 female fighters with the so-called "Islamic State," (IS) apprehended in Mosul's beleaguered ancient city last week. In addition to the German nationals, the group included three Russian, three Turkish and two Canadian citizens, according to first reports.

However, information from Mosul can not be verified and Iraqi counter-terrorism official, Haidar al-Araji denied there was a 16-year-old in the group. Another report suggested a teenager arrested was
not German but of Slavic origin, possibly Russian. She had been taken to hospital for treatment to burns.

The young woman was initially taken to be a member of the Yazidi community as she spoke no Arabic.

Al-Araji claimed all of the twenty were "suicidal women who were on standby to blow themselves up among Iraqi forces."

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WNW Editor: This is the breakdown so far .... 5 German nationals, three Russian, three Turkish and two Canadian citizens (according to first reports).

More News On 20 ISIS Foreign Female Fighters Captured In Mosul

Five IS German Women Found in Tunnel in Mosul -- Financial Tribune
German Schoolgirl Captured Among the Ranks of ISIS -- Independent Journal Review
Ottawa aware of reports Canadians detained in Mosul -- CTV News
Two Canadian women among ISIL fighters captured in Mosul: reports -- National Post
Feds check reports Canadians among radicalized youth captured in Iraq -- Montreal Gazette
What is happening to the jihadi brides who joined Islamic State? -- SKY News

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