Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- July 11, 2017

ABC News: Witnesses describe scene of military plane crash: 'One of the worst fires you can imagine'

At least 16 people were killed on Monday after a military plane crashed into a soybean field in Mississippi’s Delta region, authorities said.

The plane, a Marine Corps KC-130 aircraft, crashed Monday at around 4 p.m. in Leflore County, Mississippi -- about 85 miles north of Jackson -- near Highway 82, according to authorities.

Investigators told ABC’s Mississippi affiliate WLOX that debris was found on both sides of the highway, which they said could indicate that the plane may have exploded mid-air.

Witnesses reported hearing a loud “crackling” noise at the time of the crash, which filled the air with thick clouds of black smoke and spread debris for miles.

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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- July 11, 2017

U.S. Marine Corps KC-130 crash details released by military -- CBS/AP

South Korea says North doesn't have ICBM re-entry technology -- Reuters

Russian Military Says Fighter Detained In Ukraine Was Discharged In 2016 -- RFE

China sends personnel to its first overseas military base -- ABC News/AP

China Announces Official Opening of Naval Base in Djibouti -- Sputnik

Xi tells his troops: 'Call me chairman' -- Nikkei Asia Review

Scientists used abacuses to develop China’s first nuclear submarine -- SCMP

Haiti to reform army after 20 years without -- BBC

NATO ignores false Taliban claims of killing US soldiers -- Long War Journal

Pentagon officials brief Germany on F-35 fighter jet -- Reuters

NATO military drills in Eastern Europe begin in Bulgaria -- ABC News/AP

Pentagon: Over 600 Iraqi, Syrian Civilians Killed In U.S.-led Coalition Air Strikes Since 2014 -- RFE

As Mosul battle neared end, anti-ISIS airstrikes reached new peak -- Air Force Times

Why is Okinawa blocking plans to build an American military base? -- The Economist

US military considers ramping up Libya presence -- CNN

US-Led Coalition May Establish Temporary Bases in Iraq --Sputnik

The US military has released the first footage of Marine artillery striking ISIS in Syria -- Business Insider

US Approves $3.9Bln Sale of Air Defense Systems to Romania -- Sputnik

Exclusive interview: The Navy's surface warfare director talks frigate requirements -- Defense News

US Navy temporarily relieves commander of USS Fitzgerald -- Reuters

US Navy Wants Cheap Warship to Support Carrier Strike Groups -- Sputnik

Check out the LCAC: The massive Navy hovercraft that hauls Marines into battle -- Business Insider

Pentagon predicts F-35 program costs to jump by $27 billion: report -- The Hill

Pentagon to spend $5.6 billion on 74 more F-35 Joint Strike Fighter planes -- post

Congress aims to develop new military "Space Corps" branch -- CBS

Citizenship For Military Service Program Under Fire -- NPR

US Soldier Arrested After Pledging Loyalty to Islamic State --

Relatives of slain US troops describe loss to Jordan court -- Army Times/AP

Army Training Tells Soldiers Not to Gossip About Transgender Troops -- Washington Free Beacon

Army reworking its logistics enterprise for a battlefield with no Pizza Huts -- Federal News Radio

Why Can't U.S. Army Tanks Tell When They Are Being Targeted? -- Loren Thompson, Forbes

This new Pentagon policy misses an important point -- Gayle Tzemach Lemmon, CNN

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