Is President Trump's Tweeting Endangering Or Empowering His Agenda? Or Both? Or Neither?

Victor Davis Hanson, American Greatness: Trump’s High-Stakes Tweeting

Trump’s strongest supporters are sometimes the most anxious critics of his tweeting—not because his is a failing presidency bordering on caricature, but because it is adroitly unwinding the Obama transformation. But why, then, the need to go after failed media has-beens without an audience?

Of course, tweeting commentary and news over the heads of a corrupt Washington media pack is innovative and wise—and to some degree got Trump where he is today by reinventing communications with the public. But burning time ridiculing Arnold Schwarzenegger’s failed “Celebrity Apprentice” gambit or, more recently, the psychodramas and daily inanities of Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski seems a misspent investment of energy.

Yet that said, there are lots of uncertainties about consequences of the latest round of Trump’s seemingly counterproductive tweets, right on the eve of the most important legislative challenges, health care and tax reform, of his young presidency—and at a time when he is regaining momentum, successfully engaging world leaders and issuing executive orders that are overturning the prior eight years of “fundamental transformation” of the country.

Is ad hominem tweeting, then, endangering or empowering Trump’s agenda? Or both? Or neither?

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WNU Editor: Another Trump Tweet .... another media meltdown that makes one wonder if President Trump is the most abused President in history .... The Most Abused President in History (Jeffrey Folks, American Interest). And after a day of reaction and coverage the American divide is revealed again .... Inciting violence against reporters or just a joke? Celebrities are outraged at Trump's Wrestlemania tweet - but the president's supporters say they just can't take a joke (Daily Mail). But it is telling that after two years .... and countless controversies and predictions of doom .... the man who is left standing has always been (and still is) President Trump .... Trump wins the media war, battle by battle (Washington Times) .... and his agenda (which is what counts) keeps on rolling .... 'Your worst nightmare: a successful Donald Trump presidency' (David Smith, The Guardian)

As to what is my take on this CNN-Tweet story .... I am somewhat in agreement between Byron York's opinon .... Reflections on the president's tweet (Byron York, Washington Examiner) and Middleweight boxer Caleb Truax's Tweet response. And while I do wish there was more civility in politics .... in the real world such civility does not exist.

Update: After 24 hours the media outrage continues (at least that is what I am seeing on CNN right now). No mention of the media's own history of "promoting violence" against President Trump (see below).

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