JP Morgan Believes The Democrats Will Sweep The Presidency, Senate And House In November

Zero Hedge: Here Are The Top 10 Takeaways From JPMorgan's Investor Call On The US Elections

Yesterday, July 28, JPMorgan held a conference call for clients in which it laid out the outlook for the US elections using external strategists and consultants "and not necessarily the opinions of J.P. Morgan research analysts." The bank was quick to note that its research team "remains explicitly nonpartisan and does not advocate for any particular candidate or policy platform", although we doubt Jamie Dimon will cry if Trump loses. The conference call was closed to members of the press. The summary report below presents the issues discussed in the calls without direct attribution to the speakers or their institutions.

Key dates to watch include:

* The official release of the Democratic platform at the Democratic National Convention, which will take place from August 17-20.

* The Vice Presidential selection will likely take place in the first half of August, immediately before the convention.

* The first televised presidential debate is scheduled for September 29.

Below are the top 10 Top 10 takeaways from the conference call:

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WNU Editor: JP Morgan's views on what a Biden administration will do is overly optimistic, and ignores the growing role that progressives now have in his campaign and in his administration should he win. There is also no mention from JP Morgan on Joe Biden's rapidly declining mental abilities and how this would impact his administration should he win in November. I watch the former Vice President every time he makes a TV and/or YouTube appearance, and I will say this bluntly. He is not in good shape, and he is now sounding more and more confused. Here is one example among many from just today (see video below), and one that the GOP are being quick to pounce on.

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