Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- January 21, 2020

Sarah Boseley, The Guardian: Should the world be worried about the coronavirus in China?

Experts fear latest strain of virus may spread across planet from person to person

What is the virus causing illness in Wuhan?

It is a novel coronavirus – that is to say, a member of the coronavirus family that has never been encountered before. Like other coronaviruses, it has come from animals, or possibly seafood. Many of those infected either worked or frequently shopped in the Huanan seafood wholesale market in the centre of the Chinese city. New and troubling viruses usually originate in animal hosts. Ebola and flu are examples.

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- January 21, 2020

Coronavirus 'super-spreaders' a potential risk as strain spreads from Wuhan to cities outside of China -- Michael Walsh, ABC News Online

What’s new today in the China virus outbreak -- AP

China virus spreads to U.S., curbing travel plans and spooking markets -- Se Young Lee and Lusha Zhang, Reuters

WHO could declare global emergency over Wuhan virus -- Jeff Pao, Asia Times

Factbox: How a virus impacts the economy and markets -- Ritvik Carvalho, Reuters

Iran Could Pursue a Nuclear Weapon to Restore Deterrence Lost in Suleimani Strike -- David Daoud, National Interest

Has U.S. Lost Myanmar to China? -- Hunter Marston, The Diplomat

The people of Taiwan have a country and are dedicated to keeping it -- David Keene, Washington Times

What are the Luanda Leaks? -- Hilary Osborne, The Guardian

Vladimir Putin will not be president for life but he is sure to have power -- Joseph Dresen, The Hill

It’s Putin’s ‘moment’ all over the Middle East, says Hermitage Fund’s Bill Browder -- Natasha Turak, CNBC

Where is Russia Headed? -- National Interest

For Now, U.S. Is at a Disadvantage in Cold War II -- Niall Ferguson, Boston Globe

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