The FFG(X) program is a Navy program to build a class of 20 guided-missile frigates (FFGs). The Navy wants to procure the first FFG(X) in FY2020, the next 18 at a rate of two per year in FY2021-FY2029, and the 20th in FY2030. The Navy’s proposed FY2020 budget requests $1,281.2 million for the procurement of the first FFG(X). The Navy’s FY2020 budget submission shows that subsequent ships in the class are estimated by the Navy to cost roughly $900 million each in then-year dollars. (photos : Chris Cavas)
Major United States shipyard General Dynamics Bath Iron Works, part of General Dynamics Corporation, has unveiled their guided missile frigate proposal under the FFG(X) program for the U.S. Navy.
The concept of new guided missile frigate was unveiled during annual Sea-Air-Space, the largest maritime exposition in the United States.
Naval warfare correspondent Chris Cavas has posted pictures of General Dynamics FFG(X) proposal on social media.
“General Dynamics Bath Iron Works also unveiled their FFGX proposal for the US Navy today at SAS, based on partner Navantia’s F100 design. Good looking ship!,” Chris Cavas tweeted.
In February 2018, the U.S. Navy awarded General Dynamics Bath Iron Works a $14.9 million contract for the concept design of the Navy’s planned Guided Missile Frigate (FFG(X)).
Bath Iron Works’ proposed design is based on a family of AEGIS Guided Missile Frigates designed by the Spanish shipbuilder Navantia. The contract award enables Bath Iron Works to mature the design to meet the specifications established by the Navy that will be used for the Detail Design and Construction request for proposals. The contract includes options which, if exercised, would bring the total value of the contract to $22.9 million.
“Bath Iron Works looks forward to working with Navantia to further develop a guided missile frigate design that meets the needs of the U.S. Navy,” said General Dynamics Bath Iron Works President Dirk Lesko.
The Navy’s initial request for proposals in November required that frigate designs be based on an existing hull form that is already in service. The Navy has said the requirement will make the planned production of 20 frigates more affordable and bring the ships to the fleet more quickly. The Detail Design and Construction award is planned to be in 2020.
Bath Iron Works designed the Navy’s prior frigate, the Oliver Hazard Perry class, and built many of the hulls. Bath Iron Works partnered with Navantia in the 1980s to adapt the Oliver Hazard Perry design for construction by the Spanish shipbuilding industry and for use by the Spanish Navy.
According to recently notice by Naval Sea Systems Command, the future frigate will provide combatant and fleet commanders a uniquely suitable asset to achieve select sea control objectives and to perform maritime security operations while facilitating access in all domains in support of strike group and aggregated fleet operations.
As part of the Navy’s Distributed Maritime Operations Concept, the FFG(X) small surface combatant will expand blue force sensor and weapon influence to enhance the overall fleet tactical picture while challenging adversary intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and tracking efforts. FFG(X) will also contribute to the Navy the Nation Needs by relieving large surface combatants from the stress of routine duties during operations other than war. The Navy expects to build a total of twenty (20) FFG(X) ships as per the fiscal year 2019 Report to Congress on the Annual Long-Range Plan for Construction of Naval Vessels.
(Defence Blog)