JF-17 of the Myanmar Air Force (photos : fyjs)
The Burmese air force is expected to receive the JF-17 fighter aircraft
Video images to be published in Social Media Online Burma recently revealed the possibility that the Air Force of Burma (Myanmar Air Force, Tatmadaw Lay) seems to have been handed fighter aircraft JF. -17 Thunder developed by Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC), Pakistan and Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation (CAC), China, at least six aircraft.
Images in a short video sequence of a few seconds display the image of flying and spreading the wheel as if preparing to fly up and down the JF-17 fighter jet. The JF-17 fighter jet in the blush was taken by the Burmese Air Force, which flew tests at the CAC aircraft plant in China in 2017
The video has been identified as being recorded at the air base Pathein near the town of Pathein (Pa-Sim), which is the main city of the Irrawaddy (Ayeyarwady Region) south from the city of Yangon, to the west 190km by city Pa's. It is located on the banks of the Phayom River, a tributary of the western Irrawaddy River, as part of the delta Irrawaddy River to the Gulf of Bengal
Airport Pathein addition to being the site of the Aviation Institute of Burma (MAA: Myanmar Aviation Academy) and then air base Pathein is also the strategic importance of Myanmar Air Force to control the sea from the air over the Bay of Bengal.
If the fighter aircraft JF-17 Myanmar air Force will be equipped with anti-missile missile surface ships C-802AK weapons or anti-surface ship supersonic missile CM-400AKG posed a threat to the fleet of countries with adjacent areas in the Andaman Sea.
The Burma Army is in the process of taking delivery of 16 JF-17 Chinese and Pakistani airplanes. It plans to open a JF-17 production line in Burma. ( https://ift.tt/2JbM81R) /jf-17.html )
The appearance of a JF-17 fighter plane flying in Myanmar. This will clear up rumors that Pakistan has suspended deliveries to Burma in early 2018 because of the Burmese military's use of violence against human rights groups.
It is believed that the Air Force will deploy the JF-17 fighter aircraft to replace the F-7M fighter jets from China (MiG-21 Russian fighter jets) in the 1990s. And hunt Currently there are about 22 active.
Last Updated on 16 October 2018 F-7M Burma Air Force two aircraft crashed while flying from a collision. The telegraph pole at Magway made both 2 pilot deaths. There are also another Burmese female students 11 year old died. One of the parts that were dropped from the machine.