There are two foreign men whose faces you see constantly on the streets of Mexico's capital these days – on magazine covers, on posters and billboards, caricatured on T-shirts and, in the case of one of them, hung as pinatas.
That one is Donald Trump. He has achieved a folkloric notoriety in Mexico unprecedented among U.S. presidents, after coming to power by demonizing the entire Mexican people as rapists and traffickers and by threatening to savage Mexico's fragile economy by shutting down NAFTA and building a border wall. To be associated with Mr. Trump, as Mexico's centre-left President Enrique Pena Nieto made the mistake of doing in 2016 (when he invited the then-candidate to visit Mexico), is to be scarred.
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WNU Editor: We are still far-away from a NAFTA collapse, but the above author's analysis on the rise of far-left populist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and the very real possibility of him becoming the next President of Mexico, coupled by the popularity of Che Guevara (at least that is what my Mexican friends are saying), is spot on. If I was to make a prediction .... NAFTA is not going to collapse any time soon, but the election of someone like Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador .... now that is someone who will push for change that may end up with NAFTA collapsing, not NAFTA collapsing and then having him and his party win the election. Either way .... 2018 is going to be an interesting year on the North American continent.