“We’ve seen in the past week how strong Barcelona is." Demonstrators hold peace march after last week's attacks. https://t.co/aBkIrPDNcN— New York Times World (@nytimesworld) August 26, 2017
This dog is walking around Sinton TX carrying a entire bag of dog food with him. #Harvey #Harvey2017 #Priorities #RefugeeDog http://pic.twitter.com/fTjUG5Tcok— Laura Huffman Powell (@LHuffmanPowell) August 26, 2017
Players find out their coach used to tour with MC Hammer and make him do the Hammer Time dance. He nails it.http://pic.twitter.com/sQeNIjdHfj— Classic Dad Moves (@ClassicDadMoves) August 22, 2017
the best thing you will see today🐾🐶 http://pic.twitter.com/5utRt0FlBE— Learn Something (@IearnSomethlng) August 26, 2017