Widely Publicized ABC/Ipsos Poll Critical Of President Trump Used A Ridiculously Low Sample Size That Was Heavily Skewed To Democrats

ABC News: Deep skepticism for Trump's coronavirus response endures: POLL

Trump's approval on the coronavirus lands at 35% in a new ABC News/Ipsos poll.

Most Americans are skeptical of President Donald Trump's performance on the coronavirus pandemic -- disapproving of his response, disbelieving of his rhetoric on the virus and critical of what they view as his lagging approach to containing it, a new ABC News/Ipsos poll released Sunday finds.

Trump's approval for his handling of COVID-19 lands at 35% in the new survey, which was conducted by Ipsos in partnership with ABC News using Ipsos' Knowledge Panel, compared to 65% who disapprove. This marks the fourth straight poll with Trump's COVID response approval hovering in the low-to-mid 30s since early July.

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WNU Editor: I have seen fake polls, but this one is in a class by itself. And it was reported and publicized by everyone .... Almost 2 in 3 Americans disapprove of Trump's handling of pandemic: poll (The Hill). But when you look at the methodology on how this poll was done, you just cannot help but scream fake news. Besides using a sample size of only 533 adults, this poll has a ridiculous 27 percent inbuilt bias for Biden supporters .... ABC’s Trump In Trouble Poll Surveyed Just 533, Not Likely Voters, Asked Over 20% More Biden Supporters Than Conservatives (National Pulse).

Update: President Trump has responded .... Trump Slams 'Fake' ABC Poll for Bias Towards Biden Supporters (Sputnik).

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