US And China Reaches A 'Deal In Principle' To End Trade War

CNBC: US reaches a phase one trade deal with China in principle pending Trump’s approval

* The Trump administration has reached a trade deal in principle with China, three sources close to the talks told CNBC.
* The president met with advisors Thursday afternoon about whether to scrap the next round of tariffs on China.
* The Trump administration has offered to eliminate tariffs on Chinese goods set to take effect Sunday and cut some existing duties in half, sources told CNBC.

The Trump administration has reached a phase one trade deal with China in principle, pending approval from President Donald Trump, three sources close to talks told CNBC on Thursday.

Trump met with top advisors on Thursday about trade with China and whether to delay the next round of U.S. tariffs. Duties of 15%, set to take effect Sunday, would affect about $160 billion in Chinese-made goods including toys, computers, phones and clothing.

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More News On The US And China Reaching A 'Deal In Principle' To End The Trade War

Trump 'signs off' on deal to pause US-China trade war -- BBC
Trump signs off in principle on tentative China trade deal agreement -- CNN
China to buy $50 billion in U.S. farm products in return for tariff concessions-U.S. sources -- Reuters
White House and Beijing strike deal to avoid tariffs -- Washington Examiner

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