Top U.S. Defense Officials Are Ignoring The Bombshell Revelatins Of The 'Afghanistan Papers'

Brigadier General Larry Nicholson addressed Marines before they conducted a helicopter assault into Marja, a Taliban stronghold in Helmand Province. Tyler Hicks/The New York Times

The Hill: Pentagon brushes aside bombshell 'Afghanistan Papers'

Top Defense Department officials have largely brushed aside questions surrounding reports that U.S. officials lied about progress in the 18-year Afghanistan war, with experts saying it's unlikely the documents will change the administration's approach to the long-running conflict.

The bombshell reports, which were released the same week the House Judiciary Committee readied and then advanced two articles of impeachment against President Trump, have largely been sidestepped by defense officials when speaking to lawmakers and the media.

“I haven’t read all the stories frankly… but the stories spanned multiple administrations, multiple uniformed and civilian officials and I think it’s good to look back. I think at this point where I’m looking is forward,” Defense Secretary Mark Esper said during a House Armed Services Committee hearing on Wednesday.

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Previous Post: Washington Post: Politicians And Generals Have Lied To The American People For Years About The War In Afghanistan (December 9, 2019).

Update: Lying by Bush and Obama over Afghanistan is this era’s Pentagon Papers (Maureen Callahan, NYPost)

WNU Editor: When it comes to Afghanistan there are many outrages. this is another one .... The real outrage of the Afghanistan war papers that no one wants to talk about (RAW Story).

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