
This is coolbert

Two men, eleven dogs and a sled. 2/11/1. Sirius.

Thanks to You tube some video and within context of a previous blog entry the Danish dog sled Sovereignty Patrols [SOVPATS].

Interview in English with a veteran of the Danish dog sled SOVPATS.

Documentary only in Danish language without translation subtitles. Dangerous duty. Threat from both the elements and the attack by the killer polar bear. Preferred weapon of choice for defense the Gevar bolt action rifle. Ideal for cold weather conditions/arctic warfare. Buddy team of Danish military personnel their selection process and training roughly equivalent to that of an astronaut/cosmonaut? I especially like the part where you are taught to strike a match with frozen hands. Training, preparation with meticulous attention to detail a must in such operations. Survival cannot be taken lightly.

Once again, when the machine stops, the dogs keep going. The men too!

Go doggy!


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