Vietnamese weapons in inflatable product (photo : Z76)
Accordingly, the once-made "Made in Vietnam" weapon surprised international military experts with the image of a real-life S-300 missile complex, which is actually an inflatable air pump made by the 76 One Member Limited Liability Company (in short “Company 76” - BQP/Ministry of National Defense). under the General Department of Defense Industry (CNQP) introduced in the 5-year Preliminary Conference (2013-2018) to implement Resolution 765-NQ/QUTW of the Central Military Commission.
A special feature of the weapon that disguises the S-300PMU1 missile complex built by the Company 76 is that it is identical to the real weaponry in the equipment of the current Vietnam Air Defense force.
Inflatable S-300PMU1 (photo : Z76)
Even the details of the pumped air are made to the utmost level when the missile launchers of this weapon can be erected to resemble the S-300PMU1. In the picture we can see a series of S-300 missile launchers and a Su-30 fighter built by inflatable weapons developed by the Company 76.
The use of inflatable weapons to disguise or fake real weapons battles is currently being carried out by many countries around the world. The most famous of which is the Russian Army, with inflatable weapons simulating the country's famous weapons complexes such as S-300 missiles, T-72 tanks, Su-27 fighters and even MiG-21s. The more special these "fake" weapons cannot be detected by modern electronic reconnaissance systems.
Inflatable S-300PMU1 (photo : VPA)
Known for S-300 rocket-evacuated inflatable weapon, since 2017 the Company 76 has successfully fabricated the weapon of camouflage simulating Su-30 fighter and was accepted by the Council of PK-KQ appraise and recognize the results of products meeting the required technical standards.
After evaluation, the Acceptance Council has requested the Ministry of Defense to produce and put into equipment; At the same time, he proposed Company 76 to continue researching and developing other inflatable models such as: Su-22 aircraft, S125-2TM missile system, radar radar system ... slightly simulated Su-30MK2 fighter produced by Company 76 and real weaponry.
Inflatable Su-30MK2 (photo : Z76)
With only the available technologies in the country, the fact that our Army successfully built sophisticated inflatable devices once again speaks of the development of the domestic defense industry in general, as well as the efforts. of engineers, officers and employees of the Company 76 in developing equipment for military training and ready to fight in many army-soldiers.
It is known that the average weight of a pumped gas is more than 30 kg, made of non-absorbent fabric and takes up little volume when folded. Inflatable tanks and fighters reach the size of real tanks and aircraft within 5 minutes, and it is difficult to distinguish them from real weapons combinations at a distance of 100m. In the picture is the air pump simulated T-54/55 tank also developed by Company 76.
Inflatable Su-30MK2 (photo : Z76)
In order for these inflatable devices to be more difficult to detect by electronic reconnaissance devices, the Russian Army also installed them with heat generators and faked the radar signal. However, it is unclear whether Vietnam's inflatable devices are equipped with these devices or not.
During the American Resistance War, the Vietnamese missile team used the S-75 missile models with pressure to deceive US Air Force reconnaissance. This tactic has been effective in America's efforts to combat destructive warfare in the North.
Inflatable T-54/T-55 tank (photo : Soha)
Today, modern reconnaissance and weapons facilities do not give technical means a chance to survive the first wave of attacks. Thanks to the inflatable models, tactical weapons can improve survivability and avoid being killed before the battle is ready.
Another benefit of using inflatable equipment is to cause the enemy to lose their bombs on unworthy targets. It can be said that the use of an inflatable weapon model to trick the enemy is an effective and effective defensive measure even in modern warfare.