Russia's Draft Joint Declaration On How To Prevent Nuclear War Is Being Ignored By Washington

Sergei Fedyunin / TASS

Moscow Times: U.S. Ignored Russia’s Nuclear War Prevention Pact – Reports

Russia sent the United States a draft joint declaration on how to prevent nuclear war, only to never hear back from Washington, the Kommersant business daily reported on Friday.

The U.S. and Russia are suspending the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty this summer. The only U.S.-Russia arms control pact limiting deployed nuclear weapons — the New START — expires in February 2021.

“Nuclear war cannot be won and it must never be unleashed,” Kommersant quoted Russia’s draft joint declaration, which was sent to the U.S. in October 2018, as stating.

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WNU Editor: This lack of at least talking to each other is disturbing. Even during the height of the Cold War both sides were talking on how to prevent nuclear war. Today .... both sides are only talking to themselves.

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