Thanks to the outstanding Internet web site South Front a Russian perspective of the Second World War. Myths as described in the western world dispelled by a Russian scholar.
"Opinion: The New Lies About WWII Which The West Is Making People Believe In"
"After the end of the bloodiest war in the history of humanity, a lot of myths arose and were turned into 'facts' by the West and even some Russian elites."
Written by Viktor Stoilov exclusively for SouthFront; Edited by Yoana with input from Andrey Fursov.
* "One of the biggest lies according to [academician]. Fursov is that the USSR and Stalin are to blame for the war and arguing with the meaning of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact."
Hitler too timid to attack Poland and start World War Two unless a non-aggression pact first signed with the Soviet Union. Guard the eastern boundaries of Germany while waging war against the allied powers of France and England. Hitler did not want a two-front war.
* "The second big lie according to the academic is that Stalin was preparing to attack but Hitler surprised him and did it first."
This is Icebreaker as proposed by the Soviet defector Suvorov.
* "The 3rd big lie that Fursov points out is that Stalin didn’t know that Hitler was going to attack and he left his army vulnerable to the forces of the Nazi."
Warnings from Stalin's spies and from no less person than Churchill ignored.
* "4th and extremely important: Who are winners of the war?"
Without a doubt the primary winner of the war was the United States of America. More food than could be eaten. More oil than needed for vehicles. Sole possessor of the atomic bomb. The beginning of the consumer society and general prosperity for all. The only super-power, combining economic, military and political might.
Without a doubt that secondary winner of the war the Soviet Union. Hegemony over Eastern Europe and the movement of communist-controlled governments westward, threatening all of Europe. The Soviet military a proven winner and seen as a real and existential threat to the United States [especially from 1950 onwards].
Myths become facts and facts become myths? Devoted readers to the blog each and everyone can reach their own opinion. Orthodoxy always open to question?