'American Taliban' John Walker Lindh To Be Released From Prison Next Month

Daily Mail: American Taliban fighter John Walker Lindh gets early release from 20-year jail sentence next month but is banned from using internet or travelling overseas

* John Walker Lindh, 38, was convicted of supporting the Taliban and sentenced to 20 years in prison in 2002
* He is scheduled to be released from federal prison in Indiana on May 23 after 17 years behind bars
* Lindh will not be allowed to own an internet-capable device without permission from his probation officer
* Lindh also will not be permitted to watch any video content related to terrorism, or communicate online in any language other than English
* He was among the group of fighters captured by US forces in November 2001
* In 2016 the National Counterterrorism Center found that Lindh was continuing to 'advocate for global jihad' and 'write and translate violent extremist texts'
* And in 2015 Lindh told a television news producer 'that he would continue to spread violent extremist Islam upon his release'

American Taliban fighter John Walker Lindh will be released from prison next month after agreeing to strict restrictions on his internet use, communications and travel.

Lindh, 38, will walk out of federal prison in Terre Haute, Indiana, a free man on May 23 after spending 17 years behind bars.

Lindh was among a group of Taliban fighters who were captured by US forces in November 2001, just months after the September 11 attacks and the beginning of the war in Afghanistan.

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Update #1: 'American Taliban' Lindh To Be Released From Prison Next Month (RFE)
Update #2: 'American Taliban' John Walker Lindh to be released from prison next month (NBC)

WNU Editor: He is going to be the first of many as their prison sentences run out. Sighh .... I prefer to remember Johnny Micheal Spann .... Remembering Johnny Micheal Spann (Legal Insurrection).

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