U.S. Demands EU Allies To Leave Iran Nuclear Deal

DW: Poland, US hold controversial Middle East conference in Warsaw

The US is seeking allies in central and eastern Europe, teaming up with Poland for a Middle East conference in Warsaw. Ahead of the event, expat Iranians protested the regime in Tehran. Monika Sieradzka from Warsaw.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo struck a chord in Poland this week when he said that the US had steered clear of the region for too long, leaving Russia to fill that "void."

Warsaw sees Washington as a guarantor of security in the region. The Polish government is proud to have purchased 20 US-made HIMARS rocket launchers — a deal that was struck just before the start of the conference.

As the contract was signed — in the presence of Polish and US soldiers — the US vice president, Mike Pence, assured Warsaw the US would "stand behind Poland."

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Update: Pence urges EU to pull out of nuclear deal, says Iran planning ‘new Holocaust’ (Times of Israel)

WNU Editor: When it comes to Iran most EU governments have a different agenda .... America Wants to Talk About Iran, But Europe Doesn’t (Bloomberg).

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