Singapore and Malaysia Navies Conclude Bilateral Maritime Exercise

04 Desember 2018

Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) and Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) ships sailing in formation as part of Exercise Malapura 2018. (photo : Sing Mindef)

The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) and the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) participated in Exercise Malapura, a bilateral maritime exercise, from 26 November to 3 December 2018. The shore phase, which included the opening ceremony, joint planning and training, was held from 26 to 27 November 2018 at Lumut Naval Base, Malaysia. This was followed by the sea phase from 28 November to 1 December 2018, which saw the exercise participants conducting conventional naval warfare and maritime security drills, in the Malacca Strait.

RSS Tenacious participating in the sea phase of Exercise Malapura 2018 (photo : Sing Mindef)

The exercise concluded with an exercise debrief held yesterday, and a closing ceremony held earlier today at the RSN's Fleet Command Building in RSS Singapura - Changi Naval Base that was co-officiated by RSN Fleet Commander Rear-Admiral Edwin Leong and RMN Western Fleet Commander Vice-Admiral Dato' Rusli Bin Ramli.

Lekiu-class frigates KD Jebat (photo : RMN)

This year's exercise, hosted by the RSN, involved about 600 personnel from both navies. The RSN participated with a Formidable-class frigate RSS Tenacious with a S-70B Seahawk naval helicopter, a Victory-class missile corvette RSS Vigilance, a Fearless-class patrol vessel RSS Freedom. The RMN participated with two Lekiu-class frigates KD Lekiu and KD Jebat, a Kasturi-class corvette KD Kasturi, a Super Lynx helicopter, as well as the two Royal Malaysia Air Force F/A-18D fighter aircraft to support an air defence exercise.
RSN personnel participating in a boarding exercise during Exercise Malapura 2018. (photo : Sing Mindef)

The RSN and RMN interact regularly across a wide range of activities. These include professional exchanges and courses, as well as multilateral activities under the ambit of the Five Power Defence Arrangements and the ASEAN Defence Ministers' Meeting (ADMM)/ADMM-Plus. The two navies also work closely to enhance maritime security through the Malacca Straits Patrol.

(Sing Mindef)

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