Pentagon Wants To Have Exoskeletons To Build 'Super-Soldiers'

ABC News Online: Millions invested in exoskeleton technology to help US military create 'super soldiers'

The US Army appears to be working towards creating a new generation of "super soldiers" with new exoskeleton technology, designed to make troops stronger and more resilient.

Worn over a pair of pants, the battery-operated exoskeleton uses a ranged of sensors, artificial intelligence and other technology to aid natural movements.

The goal is to lighten the load for soldiers, who are deployed into war zones bogged down by heavy but critical gear such as body armour, night-vision goggles and advanced radios.

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WNU Editor: The U.S. military are not the only ones who want to create super soldiers .... China’s 2nd Generation Military Exoskeleton System as Good as US One.

More News On The Pentagon's Exoskeleton Project

Pentagon looks to exoskeletons to build 'super-soldiers' -- Reuters
US Army eyeing advanced gear for its next-gen soldiers -- Straits Times
US Army NSRDEC awards contract to Lockheed for ONYX exoskeleton -- Army Technology
Lockheed Martin secures U.S. Army Onyx exoskeleton development agreement -- Army Recognition
US Army to Use Exoskeletons to Build ‘Super-Soldiers’ (VIDEO) -- Sputnik

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