Yet one more state-of-the-art piece of Russian military hardware as having been sent to Syria. Field test under real-world conditions.
Thanks to the tip and story from Strategy Page:
"NBC Weapons: CBRN In Syria"
"December 6, 2018: In late 2018 Russia, sent its latest CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear) detection vehicle into a combat zone for the first time. This RKhM-6 CBRN is a modified version of the 14 ton BTR-80 8x8 wheeled armored vehicle. The turret is augmented with a similar structure containing sensors for various toxic materials. There is also a thermal imaging sensor . . . Chemical weapons have been used numerous times in Syria and there are conflicting accusations about who is responsible."
The Syrian government, the Russians and the despot Assad all say the reports of chemical weapons attack are unsubstantiated and bogus. Propaganda. Even FALSE-FLAG operations as perpetrated by those in opposition to Assad!
The White Helmets, those self-described Syrian civil defense workers as allied with the anti-Assad rebels say the regime in Damascus is responsible for chemical warfare attacks of a repeated nature.
So WHO exactly is to blame? A RKhM-6 can help resolve the matter?
"Truth is the first casualty of war!" This is so? The devoted reader to the blog must decide this for themselves?