Vietnamese T-90 MBT during water resistance test (photos : ND News)
The image of the modern defense system on T-90 Vietnam was revealed when Russia announced the pilot testimony before it was handed over to Vietnam.
Image of the test was published in the report broadcast on the television channel "Red Star" (TV channel of the Ministry of Defense-ND), the T-90 was transferred to the water resistance test.
This is one of the final stages before launching the field trial and transferring it to the customer. Vietnam has ordered a total of 64 T-90S/SK tanks from Russia in 2017, which will be handed over to Vietnam in 2019.
According to the published photos, the T-90 version of Vietnam is equipped with a Shtora-1 defensive system with two OTShU-1-7 jammers (also known as red eyes). The main function of this defense system is to disable the laser lead of the enemy anti-tank missiles.
Shtora-1 consists of laser detection devices, used by the rebels to indicate targets and guide the TOW missiles. When Shtora-1 detects that the tank is being positioned by a laser-guided missile, it will automatically fire a smoke grenade, creating a smoke wall 20 meters high, 10 meters high.
The smoke grenade launch was made in less than three seconds and lasted about 20 seconds. The smoke smoldered the tanks in front of TOW's optical sight, making it impossible for the rebels to accurately determine the target. The Shtora-1 is also equipped with an optical light that emits light radiation with frequencies and bands similar to the rocket's light source.
The closer to a tank, the less the signal is received by the missile, while the more disturbed radiated light causes the rocket control system to be disturbed and ordered to destroy itself or fly in the other direction. It was a few meters from the tank that made the carriage unattainable.