In Colombia, Far-Right and Hard-Left Candidates Will Vie for Presidency— The New York Times (@nytimes) May 28, 2018
Flyers in New York State hotels tell people how to enter Canada illegally:— WinstonCovfefe aka Tommy Robinson (@winstonCovfefe) May 26, 2018
We pay tribute to the fallen this #MemorialDay weekend. We thank them for making the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom: #MemorialDay18 #HonorThem 🇺🇸— U.S. Dept of Defense (@DeptofDefense) May 27, 2018
A coin on a headstone lets the deceased soldier's family know that somebody stopped & paid respects.— William MacDuff【ツ】🏴 (@CrashMacDuff) May 27, 2018
Penny: You visited.
Nickel: You and the deceased soldier trained at boot camp together.
Dime: Served together.
Quarter: You were there when that soldier was killed.#MemorialDay
I often stop at SEAL Team Six operator Jason Freiwald’s grave, KIA 2008 “somewhere in Afghanistan.” Noticed yesterday a coin on his stone. Flipped it over and realized “Slab” placed it on his teammate’s stone after POTUS decorated him with the Medal of Honor on Thursday. Respect.— James Gordon Meek (@meekwire) May 27, 2018
That moment you realize your dog is infantry...........— German Shepherd (@GermanShepher10) May 27, 2018