PM's "Agendaless" Meet With An Old Friend As India Re-Calibrates Relations With Russia, US

PM Narendra Modi is headed to Sochi in Russia for informal talks with Vladimir Putin on May 21

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi is headed to Sochi, a resort town in Russia for informal talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin on May 21. He arrives early morning and will leave the same day. Like in Wuhan in China, PM Modi will hold several one-on-one discussion with Mr Putin, and may have just one restricted bilateral involving other officials. Vladimir Putin will also host a lunch for PM Modi, but there will be no "guard of honour". There will be no other minister accompanying the PM and no documents or joint statement is expected from this meeting either.

Sources told NDTV that the no frills attached visit would be "Agendaless, flexible and would have no formalities in terms of protocol," and would discuss several international and regional issues but not many domestic issues will be taken up as those are discussed at the annual summit between the two sides later in the year.

But talks on issues of energy cooperation in third countries and discussions on cyber security were not ruled out. 

The tricky issues involving defence deals would not be brought up, sources said, even as reports have emerged that India trying to acquire 200 Kamov Ka 226T helicopters from Russia was on the agenda.

The US has also pulled out of the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) involving several major countries and their deal with Iran on its nuclear use. This is another issue where India has divergence with the Trump administration. But Indian authorities described themselves as "onlookers" and said they were "'not party to the deal".

Will there be more lake walks and tea talk? That is anyone's guess - but sources say don't look for ''any tangible outcomes'' from these informal summits.

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