China Declares Its Military Exercises Are Intended To Threaten Taiwan

Newsweek: China Says War Drills Show There Is 'No Way Out' for Taiwan

China has said its recent live-fire exercises in the tense South China Sea were a warning to Taiwan, threatening to unify the self-ruled island with the mainland by force if necessary.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has intensified his country's military posture around the island nation of Taiwan, hosting a historic naval parade and other large displays of firepower in recent weeks. An Fengshan, a spokesman for China's Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said Wednesday that these measures were intended as a message to Taiwanese officials who consider their autonomous government to be entirely independent of the leadership in Beijing.

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Update: China says military exercises intended to threaten Taiwan (SCMP/AP)

WNU Editor: No kidding .... Beijing’s frequent threats breeding ‘resentment’ in Taiwan, island’s defence minister says (SCMP)

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